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Graphite Star · Single · 2018 · 1 songs. Character » Amadeus Cho appears in 579 issues. The eighth smartest person on the planet, Amadeus Cho has a hypermind which allows him to run a virtually limitless amount of calculations in his head. Amadeus Cho ist ein Genius, Superheld und der gegenwärtige Hulk. 1 Schöpfung 2 Kurzbio 3 Kräfte und Fähigkeiten 3.1 Fähigkeiten 3.2 Kräfte 3.3 Schwächen 4 Galerie Amadeus Cho wurde von Greg Pak und Takeshi Miyazawa 2006 erfunden und in Amazing Fantasy #15 vorgestellt. Amadeus Cho é um personagem fictício do Universo Marvel.Ele apareceu primeiramente em Amazing Fantasy (vol. 2) #15..

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Fast loading speed, unique reading type: All pages - just need to scroll to read next page Amadeus Cho begann es regelrecht zu genießen sich in ein großes massiv bemuskeltes Monster zu verwandeln. Ein Gerät an seinem linken Arm ermöglicht die kontrollierte Verwandlung. Zusammen mit seiner Schwester nimmt Amadeus Cho als Hulk den Kampf gegen diverse Monster auf. Später wird er Mitglied des Superheldenteams The Champions.

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Videon har 59000 likes, 350 kommentarer och 2105 delar! | This is my audition to be Amadeus Cho in the  This big box expansion has Marvel's biggest characters, including Sentry, Hulk (both Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho), and She-Hulk!

och blir The Champions! Ladda ned nu och spela som: Ironheart Devil Dinosaur Moon Girl Viv Vision & Sparky Amadeus Cho Nadia Pym Wasp Kate Bishop

Amadeus cho

Se hela listan på Amadeus would never forget what the Hulk did for him. He revered the Super Hero so much that later on, Cho would himself take on the same powers as the Totally Awesome Hulk. Jade Genius. Amadeus Cho is the seventh-smartest person on Earth. Source Amadeus Cho is a 13-year old genius from the Marvel Comics. He appears in the third season of Ultimate Spider-Man and the third season of Spider-Man. Amadeus Cho was created by Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa.

Amadeus cho

Ladda ned nu och spela som: Ironheart Devil Dinosaur Moon Girl Viv Vision & Sparky Amadeus Cho Nadia Pym Wasp Kate Bishop I den begränsade serien vänder de nya agenterna från Atlas – Jimmy Woo, Aero, Amadeus Cho, Silk, Wave, Shang-Chi och andra – en  Beroende på vem du frågar, är Amadeus Cho antingen den sjunde eller 8: e I likhet med Kamala Kahn och Young Avengers är Cho ett friskt  Sedan en tid tillbaka har Hulken dessutom ett nytt mänskligt alter ego i form av tonåringen Amadeus Cho. Redan 1962 dök den timide  Sedan en tid tillbaka har Hulken dessutom ett nytt mänskligt alter ego i form av tonåringen Amadeus Cho. Redan 1962 dök den timide  Sam Alexander, Kamala Khan alias Ms Marvel, "Totally Awesome" Hulk Amadeus Cho och Viv Vision, den synthezoid "dotter "av The Vision.
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• When Cho is declared 'Mastermind Excello'  Lägg till i önskelistan. Snabbkoll.

Powers and Abilities Powers. None. Abilities Amadeus Cho (of Earth-12041 ) also known as Iron Spider is Peter Parker's former rival and later best friend.He is also a member of the New Warriors . Amadeus Cho took over the Iron Spider suit after Spider-Man gave it up to him.
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Amadeus Cho, även kallad Mastermind Excello (II), är ett ungt supergeni i Marvels universum som främst har figurerat i serier som "Hulk", 

1 Appearance 1.1 Physical appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Relationships 4.1 Spider-Man 4.2 Spy-D 4.3 Iron Heart 4.4 Groot 4.5 Doctor Strange 5 Abilities 5.1 Super-Genius Intelligence 5.2 Hulk Physiology 6 Equipment 7 Gallery 8 Trivia 9 References The 1 History 2 Personality 3 Powers & Abilities 3.1 Abilities 3.2 Strength level 3.3 Weaknesses 4 Paraphernalia 4.1 Equipment 4.2 Transportation 4.3 Weapons 5 Notes 6 Trivia Super-Genius Intelligence:Amadeus Cho’s mind operates like a hyper computer, capable of rapidly &without mechanical aid perform an infinite number of unimaginable complex &simultaneous calculations, in his mind with minimal Amadeus Cho is similar to these comics characters: Hercules (Marvel Comics), Iron Man, Vision (Marvel Comics) and more. Listen to music from amadeus_cho’s library (130,806 tracks played). Get your own music profile at, the world’s largest social music platform.

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2020-04-01 · Amadeus Cho is a Korean-American, teenage genius who inherited the Hulk's powers when he was created by Greg Pak in 2005. While Bruce Banner always viewed the green guy as a burden, Cho takes a different approach. As a cocky and confident person, Amadeus sees the Hulk's abilities as a blessing -- one he takes advantage of while still commanding

Fast loading speed, unique reading type: All pages - just need to scroll to read next page Amadeus Cho begann es regelrecht zu genießen sich in ein großes massiv bemuskeltes Monster zu verwandeln. Ein Gerät an seinem linken Arm ermöglicht die kontrollierte Verwandlung. Zusammen mit seiner Schwester nimmt Amadeus Cho als Hulk den Kampf gegen diverse Monster auf. Später wird er Mitglied des Superheldenteams The Champions. Kanala katılmayı düşündün mü ?